On The Blog
We love to share relatable mom content, everyday life from a work from home environment, inspiration, as well as budget and eco-friendly reviews from a single-income household.
Hi, Hello, & Nice to Meet You!
My name is Jamyka and I am the woman behind the Money Conscious Money Blog. I enjoy creating content that...

6 Moisturizers for Dry Hands

Now that we have all become crazed washing our hands 50,000 times a day and sanitizing, have you noticed how dry your hands are? Mine have been peeling, cracking, and itchy. I happened to be watching our local news segment the other day and they had a dermatologist as a special guest. He said the symptoms de…

6 Tips for Working from Home

Many of us are transitioning to work from home for the 1st time or to 100% remote so today I'm sharing some solid tips to help you stay productive and add some structure if your location has suddenly changed. 1. Create a morning routine Eventhough you aren't physically going to the office a morning rout…

Snakeskin Styled 2 Ways

Look 1 Deets: Cardigan |  High Waisted Jegging | Luna Loafer This comfy cardigan is perfect for transitioning to spring since its lightweight and has a loose knit design. It is perfect for layering right now since it's a little cooler.  Available in 3 colors and fits TTS (I'm wearing my normal siz…

How to Talk to Kids About Sexual Abuse

As a parent sometimes it can be difficult to talk with our children especially when the topics are tough, but preparing them for difficult scenarios and what they should do in those cases are necessary in the world we live in today.  There are many resources available to help start conversations from very you…

Savings Plan: 52 Week Challenge

In light of the New Year and many people having the resolution to save money, I have a tried and true road map to savings! Lots of people struggle with being able to set a budget and save from check to check through the calendar year. The 52 week challenge is a great way for those who don't save to b…

Get Refunds Shopping Online with Paribus

If you shop online some stores may owe you money! Now who doesn't like to get some dolla dolla💵 back in the bank? Have you ever heard of  Paribus ? Well, grab a snack and let me give you a quick run down! What is  Paribus ? Paribus  is a service that is 100% free and watches for price drops at…

How I Earn Cash Back from Shopping Online

With Black Friday deals on the horizon, I'm sure many of you are gearing up to cross some Christmas gifts off your shopping list just like me.  Today I'm sharing a simple way I ea rn cash back for shopping online all year round! Here is how: 1) Begin by visiting or use the app …

Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry

You voted on the poll and I heard you! This recipe has been on repeat every week to avoid wasting brocolli we have on hand. To keep with the theme of minimal and easy meals today I am sharing my quick chicken and broccoli stir fry recipe. Hope you enjoy!  Print With Image Without Image Chicken & Broccoli Sti…